Great also to have a new planet with new qualities for the Star Wars universe. Definitely an appreciated moment for us fans. Not only do we get another Clone Wars look at Bossk’s transport of choice, the Hound’s Tooth (first seen in Shadows) but there’s also a nod to the skyhook of the 1996 story, which allows access to the planet below. It’s a neat conceit which delivers a couple of nods to the excellent multi-media story, Shadows of the Empire.

Headed by a young Boba Fett, the gang, which also includes heavily armed droid C-21 Highsinger (an IG-88 knock off), head to the planet Quarzite – an intensely pressurized world that prevents spaceships from entering into its atmosphere. Such is the lure of Star Wars, I guess (even if you don’t like half the films…) Odd too that a comparatively big name was brought in for such a small role. The Spaced and Star Trek star doesn’t actually get that much to do (or, rather, say) in the episode, so it’s slightly surprising to see that much was made of his role last week. Ventress is recruited to join their gang, which also includes another Empire bounty hunter, Dengar who you may already know is brought to life by Simon Pegg. Lurking in the shadow of this hive of scum and villainy, is bounty hunter Bossk (who made his first appearance in The Empire Strikes Back) and fellow crim-for-hire, Latts Razzi (voiced by Seth Green’s wife Clare Grant, fact fans). In fact, the Dark Lordette pops up on Mos Eisley – in the Cantina no less! Oddly, Figran Dan and his Modal Nodes aren’t pumping out the tunes we’ve come to expect from the Bith hit-makers.